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Pompfen, boffers or weapons?

A question is rattling around El Uhus little brain for some time now. How should we specify the "weapon" we are using in Jugger?
Since a weapon is by itself a little (or big) nasty thingie to injure or to kill, that term might be used well to put gravel on the wild and anarchic aspect of Jugger. But it certainly doesn't fit to describe the stuff correctly.

At least in Germany, Jugger Pompfen are a type of padded "weapons", some designs not comparable to LARP weapons, while others, like Hamburgian/Heidelberg staffs, are also used at LARP events. Some designs are specifically made for high-speed sportive use and have their own tight safety regulations, measures and materials, based on years and years of experimenting and usage (for example, a Jugger Pompfe does not have blade-style applications or points). Nota bene: The term "Pompfe" is also used for LARP weapons as well.

In Germany, the term "Pompfe" has more or less won the race. It is told that it roots back to LARP events where it has been derived from the sound it makes at impact. For the English speaking world, it might be a bit unusual to pronounce. Or not? What do you think?

I stumbled across the term "boffer" for LARP weapons in the US (see corresponding entry in wikipedia: Foam weapon), which sounds great in English. So that could be a real alternative for international use.

It would be interesting to hear what Juggers think - which term fits best for Jugger "weapons" to describe their qualities best?

a.) (Jugger-) Pompfen,
b.) (Jugger-) Boffers,
c.) ... do you have a good idea?

Australia has also set up a poll related to this question.


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Wulfhure am :

*As an English speaking Australian I belive that POMFEN is a better term as it is not an english word and therefore carries no connotations with it. Besides it sounds phonetically superior to Boffer.

If we can't call them weapons, then let us refer to them as Pomfen.

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