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12th German Championships in Berlin: 36 teams, great atmosphere

36 teams joined us at the 12th German Jugger Championships in Berlin. Even Ireland came to the tournament, Team Setanta.

Being the biggest Jugger event ever held in history, the teams were divided into eight groups with games on five separate pitches. The main pitch was equipped with galleries for numerous spectators, with Jugger League flags flapping in the wind. Weather on Saturday was perfect, sunny, but not too hot, whereas there was some moderate rain on Sunday (the Irish brought their weather with them, thanks) - no reason to stop playing.

Setanta - Läufer
The Irish Qwik during the Special Irish Weather Game Setanta vs. Falco jugger. Photo: Susanne Serwe

When Grünanlagen Guerilla, Berlin, former Champion, challenged Rigor Mortis, also from Berlin, in the 300 stone finals, emotions rose high. A very energetic game was met by enthusiastic spectators with choruses and screams, a stunning atmosphere indeed. Finally, Rigor Mortis beat GAG and won the German Championships trophy back.

Some excellent pictures are shown at flickr. And here is a first glimpse at one of the other games held at the main pitch. More to come!

Cranium Hunters Lüneburg versus Hannoverian Living Undeads.

For a report in German, please refer to Uhus finest-assorted Weblog Droppings.


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