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Jugger in Amsterdam

Jugger has arrived in Amsterdam 1,5 years ago. Two Jugger players form Münster in Germany moved to Amsterdam after they played Jugger in Münster for a long time. After they got used to life in Amsterdam, they started building weapons and promote Jugger. Now there are always enough players to play at least 3 against 3 or some training games.
At the weekend of the 16./17. October two people (@nalfion and @p0Ldi_MS) from Münster visited Amsterdam. They brought a strong chain with them, since you can only buy chains with a small diameter in the Netherlands, probarbly the same problem as in Spain.
On the first day we built the chains and on the second day we trained in the Martin-Luther-Kingpark, you can watch pictures of this training on flickr.
If you want to join the training there is a doodle and a forum to coordinate the trainings, so feel free to use them and join the training.


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