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International tournament in Spain

Hello all,

After some time of work, here you have the publicity of the first Spanish International Tournament.

Also I copy the information that HL have posted in the forums with information:

Hello there!

The Aragoness Jugger Asociation is preparing the International Zaragoza Tournament, which will take place in Leciñena (a town 20min away from Zaragoza) during the 2nd and 3th of April. The Registration fee will be 5 € per person, and each team has to bring his own equipation. The Tournament itself will be played the 2nd and part of the 3th of April (Saturday and Sunday) in the Football Field of Leciñena. There is a Sports Hall/Pabillion where we can sleep (and play the Tournamente in case of bad weather) for free, however anybody willing to pay de Hostel-like stablishment will be able to sleep in a warm bed XD. Any doubts, questions or even sugestions you have, please feel free to share them with me (if you prefer in English; no german sorry) and we'll see what we can do.

Once that's been said, I would like to ask you a couple of things. Do you know how are you gonna come? How many teams, players and/or fans are you gonna come? If you need help with anything at all: contacts, special diets, jugger material or slipping material; please feel free to ask us and we'll find a solution together.

See you soon.
Greetings, HL

Hope we can see you in the field.


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