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Jugger in Austria

A few weeks ago I heard of Jugger in Austria, espacially in Vienna so i asked them for an introduction and a few pictures and here is it all for you.

Sunday. 8pm.
3 friends rest from a long
battle in a greek restaurant. The waiter tries to understand the
story behind a handful of battered people, having a bunch of taped
self-made weapons leaning at their table. Completely worn out with
marks, only a juggerian warrior could bear, they enjoy their first
served beer. And in the blink of an eye, all scratches, bruises and
tiredness dissolve in pure pleasure. Jugger Vienna most certainly
turned out to be one of the best sport experiences of all our team

Well.. who startet that wonderful madness?? Two enthusiasts
from germany founded the first Austrian Jugger team in 2010. It never
stopped growing since. Compared to other Juggerians, our style might
be a little different. Why? Many reasons. For one thing, we have more
female players than male. There is an age variance, reaching from
young kids to parents and there is only one strict rule in our
colourful community: have fun to the fullest and treat everybody as
an equal.

You can find us taunting, fighting, running, tumbling,
succeeding and laughing in the parks of Vienna - mostly Praterwiese
and Donauinsel. We learned, that between slagliners, rugby players,
football artists and sun bathing beauties - Jugger always takes the
throne in attention! Give us enough weapons to equip all curious and
interested people - we could play at least 3 games at a time. Only a
couple of months passed since the first steps were taken, and each
and everyone of us became a believer in one of the best team sport
experiences ever. And every time we try to explain the magic of our
sundays to our clueless friends, there will be that moment in which a
mischievous smile flashes over our faces. That moment when all those
memories of amazing days we shared cross our minds. "Jugger?
Can't be explained. Must be played!!"

Here also a picture of the team ...

... and the two founders.

And if you want to contact the Jugger players in Vienna, this is they're E-Mail-adress:


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