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Polish Jugger League

People in Poland have played Jugger for years, but it was never a league – just a bunch of friends who met at a postapocalyptic convention, and decided to play a casual game of jugger.

With growing knowledge about the game (convention brawl audiences wanted to play, people who weren’t there kept asking about „that game in a picture”) and demand for standardised rules we decided to start the Polish Jugger League.

Who are we? It all started with OUTPOST leading games, and propagating Jugger among people, but over the time several others joined. Now we are in the process of establishing our own rules and overcoming attendance issues – in our country we play Jugger during conventions that take place in different parts of Poland, and most people cannot attend every single one.

How do we play it? We play it rough. You can see it in the videos - bruises and small injuries are the part of the game... and they look cool! Similar to Czech games, different pieces of armor are allowed, so players can customise their looks and equipment, and our game footage looks more like scenes from original Blood Of Heroes movie.

We also used to play with real dog skull (you can find weird things in a forest!), but after we lost it, we now play using a toy dinosaur skull that still looks badass...

Knowing the fact that we play in different areas, our jugger fields vary, depending on space availability – sometimes the field is smaller than we would like it to be, sometimes we play on grass, sometimes on tarmac, sometimes on sand... we had to play in the forest once – and just imagine how hard it was for chain enforcers!

That’s it for now, I hope soon I will have some more info about our different teams, some new footage. photos...

And that someday our League grows stronger and we will be able to play games with juggers from other countries.

Some videos of Jugger in Poland:

This is a guest article written by: Bartek Rae Rutkowski 


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