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1st Coruña Open - Galicia, Spain

Greetings, international jugger players! It's been a long time since last time we reported from Galicia (northwestern Spain), but here we are again to keep you updated. The Spanish Jugger Community is growing fast and those who already have been in the trenches for more than 2 years have finally established a strong base in our regions, now hoping to stand still while new or stronger jugger teams appear from now on. Our group, the “Galician Association of Jugger”, actually operates in the cities of Coruña, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela, housing 8 official and stable teams.

Two weeks ago we celebrated the 1st Coruña Open, on February 23, 2013, at the northern city of A Coruña. We were honored to have among us two teams from Madrid and other one from Valencia, besides other galician teams from both Coruña and Vigo. It was the first true experience with other Spanish Juggers, quite small tournament but really distracted and instructive one. We are lucky to have got along with our fellow players, even some of us made new friends or strengthened bonds! Everyone is willing to meet again, hopefully during the 2nd International Tournament (Zaragoza) on April. While we Galician players are already looking for other Spanish Tournaments to travel to Madrid or Valencia in the next months, we're already organising a Jugger Summer Camp on our shores where we'll welcome any spanish, european or worldwide player! (Full information will be provided in the next months).

Here I bring you a small gallery compilation from this tournament, enclosed by some pictures. You can watch full albums on our Facebook Group or visiting our Official Website (v 2.0).

1st Coruña Open (Madrid Camera) Album. Click here!


These were the 10 participating Jugger Teams and Final Ranking after 30 classification matches, semifinal and final match.

Juggermeisters [JGM] and Metal Huargos [MHU], both from Madrid, Gold and Silver medal respectively. Nice game! Greater fellows.

1º Juggermeisters [JGM] - Madrid
2º Metal Huargos [MHU] - Madrid
3º Black Dragons [BDR] - Valencia
4º Santa Compaña [SCM] - A Coruña

5º Skull Impalers [SKL] - A Coruña
6º Celtic Avengers [CAV] - Vigo
7º Trenckos [TRK] - Vigo
8º Northwest Wolves [NWW] - A Coruña
9º Valkyries [VAL] - A Coruña
10º Rägnarok [RAG] - A Coruña

Thank you very much for your attention. Maybe we shall meet in Spain, Germany or somewhere else in Europe. :-) Best regards.

--- Signed: “Lébor Corbalis”,
Founder of the Galician Association of Jugger.


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