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Meet Juggers from Russia

Salut, Juggers!​


I'm pleased to let you know that Jugger is played in Russia also. We do that regularly since 2016.

This kind of fascinating sport game appeared in some Russian cities bit early. But only in Togliatti, Samara Region, on the shore of the Volga River, Jugger settled permanently. Togliatti is about 2200 km from Sweden, 2500 km from Germany and 12000 km from Australia :-)

Later we "invaded" next town called Zhigulevsk. There we've already had two Jugger tournaments with the support of the town government. The town's stadium is pretty good, modern and has more than 1500 seats, look at the following photos:



So we enjoy playing there.

But most of the time we play and train in local places. At winter we rent an indoor court, because it is a bit inconvenient to play Jugger in snowdrifts. 

Yes, we did that!


So, that's it, I think. If you have questions, you are welcome to comments.

P.S. Ah, yes, some links below: