Murcia Selection is German Champion
Team Murcia Selection has become German Champion at the XVI. Deutsche Meisterschaft in Berlin.
After Rigor II had beaten the former long-year German Champion Rigor I, the Spanish won the finals of the world's biggest championship in Jugger after a fast, tight and excellent game against Rigor II.
Yes, even teams from other countries can win a country's Championship in Jugger!
The XVI. German Championships, which took place the last week-end at former Tempelhof airport Berlin, is second only in size to the same tournament -- also organized by the Jugger e. V. -- last year, in worlds Jugger history. This time, we counted 60 teams, three of which came from Ireland and two from Spain. All in all, over 500 players fought for the German Pokal.
On a side note, team Falco jugger had beaten Murcia Selection at the same tournament, thus beating the coming-to-be German Champion. Quite a nice feeling for the Falco I players, who reportedly only didn't climb to the quarter finals due to the report of two faulty results of two other games with a one Jugg counting error each, of their group. But their group was one of the strongest with four teams at around the same top level, so it doesn't really matter if misfortune during a game or during reporting results would have made the difference.
Two professional photographers were on the field and shot an estimated number of 10.000 pictures. You can find a selection at the Jugger e. V. website.
Foto: sebo
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