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Uhus Jugger Tutorials started

UhuAfter reading questions where one could find tips how to play the shield I decided to do a little tutorial series myself. So now I can proudly present the first issue of Uhus Jugger Tutorials: Basics of Pompfen making. Because before you can play the shield, you mostly will have to make one ... Part 1:

  1. Introduction – some words on the background.
  2. Basics of Pompfen making – just some general thoughts on the materials used to make Jugger spars.
  3. The Shield – two different designs, strap and wooden grip, and basics about how a shield is made.
Part 2:
  1. Introduction.
  2. Basics of playing the Jugger shield: Stance.
  3. Holding the shield.
  4. Holding the short sword.
Oh and sorry for my English folks, I am quite focused on Swedish at the moment – I nevertheless hope you enjoy the videos!

Complete playlist, all parts including shield fighting basics.


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