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Jugger sightings: Spain and Italia

From time to time, rumos pop up that Jugger would be played in Italia as well. Up to now, this is unconfirmed, at least concering regular games or training; but there are some dubious sightings of The Game, mostly at youtube. Here is an Italian example, kind of a backstreet-variant:

Also, a clip has been sighted which seems to originate from Spain. Watch it here:

Both appear to be quite spontaneous events, but nevertheless we may hope that they are the piloting pebbles of a landslide ...

Thanks to Fred from Trollfaust for the link to the last clip!


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Peter on :

*Hi Ruben,

Do you know TrollBall?
This seems to be the francophone version of Jugger.

Uhu on :

*Interesting, thanks! Kind of a LARPish, less sportive version (no offence), nice! :-)

Sy in Lippstadt

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