Register for the 2nd German Open 2010!
To make it easier to book flights in time, we already fixed the date for the 2nd German Open!
The international Berlin Jugger Championships will be held at September 11 to 12 in 2010.
We would be happy if you would register your team(s) who are about to attend the Championships, at the Tournament System. Don't forget to leave a valid email address, for you have to click on the activation email before the registration process is complete. Contact Ein Uhu if this does not work.
The Australians used the opportunity of the 1st German Open in 2008 to make a trip through Germany and Ireland and visit and play with the local teams of other towns. Feel free to follow their example - they were very enthusiastic about it.
Please contact Ein Uhu for co-ordination and details.
A little update:
Australia said they will come with one, but hope to join us with 2 or even 3 teams! The Irish will go for the skull with one or two teams. And Spain currently gathers a team as well.
para hacerlo possible para vos otros que planeais vuestros viajes, ya tenemos la fecha del segundo German Open justa.
Sera bien, si podeis registrar los equipos quales desean visitarnos (tambien si todavia no lo teneis justo a 100%). Gracias!
German Championship, 2007, muti-camera takes
The international Berlin Jugger Championships will be held at September 11 to 12 in 2010.
We would be happy if you would register your team(s) who are about to attend the Championships, at the Tournament System. Don't forget to leave a valid email address, for you have to click on the activation email before the registration process is complete. Contact Ein Uhu if this does not work.
The Australians used the opportunity of the 1st German Open in 2008 to make a trip through Germany and Ireland and visit and play with the local teams of other towns. Feel free to follow their example - they were very enthusiastic about it.
Please contact Ein Uhu for co-ordination and details.
A little update:
Australia said they will come with one, but hope to join us with 2 or even 3 teams! The Irish will go for the skull with one or two teams. And Spain currently gathers a team as well.
para hacerlo possible para vos otros que planeais vuestros viajes, ya tenemos la fecha del segundo German Open justa.
Sera bien, si podeis registrar los equipos quales desean visitarnos (tambien si todavia no lo teneis justo a 100%). Gracias!
German Championship, 2007, muti-camera takes
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