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What is this about?

One, two ... one, two ... testing ... one, two ... testing ...

This is a try to create a central platform for the Jugger teams around the world to write about their sports events and news, using multi-user Weblog software.

It was today* in the famous Hasenheide in Berlin-Neukölln (that's where, according to mass media, cars are burning on the streets ... never saw one in seven years, in fact - except far away in Friedrichshain, which is a rather rich and bohème district of Berlin), when a new idea startet rattling around anxiously in El Uhus little skull, and wanted to get OUT and roam the free range of the digital world: Why not build a truly multi-editor platform for all those Juggers out there who show their great games all on separate Websites?

There are international Jugger cathegories at Youtube for Vids, and another one at flickr for pics, also there is an international forum - but there is no central place to let the others around the world know what a stunning move the Qwik** did at the last tournament, that a new team has formed in a neighbouring city, or to hack pure adrenalin of hunting a dog's skull into the shape of an article.

So a Weblog was the first choice at hand, and since Serendipity handles multi-user functions quite well, I thought, why the hell not trying it?

And so, two hours later, after almost crashing the database of another project on my server (on setup, Serendipity uses the same praefix of database tables by default, a fact I didn't keep in mind due to that idea still prodding hell out of my brains ...), I had the first international Weblog on the famous sports of Jugger up and running. Needless to say, I am grateful for any link to this blog, especially from Jugger pages :-)
Let's see how it progresses - it's up to the Jugger community now.

22.9.07: I am happy to announce that I got Adam for the Australian Jugger League and Esge for the Danish Juggers (Skullfight) to edit the entries of their teams/countries for this weblog.
Aslo I will try to get some Germans and the Irish to take part, too.

*) 20th September 07, somewhere around 19.30 :-)

**) "Qwik" is the correct spelling, at least so it is written by the director of the movie himself and in the credits of the film.


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