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3. German Open—biggest Jugger tournament ever

Next week-end, the 3rd German Open/15th German Championships will take place in Berlin, on the former Tempelhof Airfield. It is the biggest Jugger event that has ever taken place, by far:

62 teams have registered to take part in the upcoming event, plus 4 more who will compete in the Youth Jugger mini tournament. Even better, Spain is sending four teams, Australia will be there with two (including the Redbacks) and Ireland takes part with Setanta again.

More information is available ⇒ on the website of the Jugger e. V.

Discussion takes place ⇒ at the Jugger Forum.

We are quite sure there will be lots of pictures for those who can't take part in this great event, and certainly there will be some video footage as well.

Jugger auf Tempelhof 2011-16

Photo: Andreas Naurath, cc nc-by-sa


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