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Första Jugger Turneringen i Sverige på Metallsvenskan

Metalhead? And Jugger? Than this is for you. Rrriktig Metal. Riktig kul sporten.

The first tournament (at least we know of) in Sweden, Järnfalkar Metal turneringen, will be held in association with the Heavy Metal festival Metallsvenskan 2013 -- an event where you can get hårdaste metal and where the bands challenge each other in a football match.
And we, the Juggers, will play The Game right where we belong, in the midst of all: Just during the break of the football match, on the field, with all the metal fans as spectators, sparking the flame for Jugger in them.
But even that is not all. The fight for the dog skull will continue during the event near the football field. And after that, the tournament itself will determine the best team in Sverige. Details follow.

We hope for some German teams to join us as well, for this is a dream for any real fan of Heavy Metal come true (and for other Juggers as well).

If you wish to join us for this great event, contact Uhu and have a look at the tournament system JTR.

Here are impressions from Metallsvenskan, with bands like U.D.O., Amon Amarth, Sabaton, Hardcore Superstars and many others.

⇒ Informations on Jugger i Sverige är här.

⇒ Für deutschsprachige Spielerinnen und Spieler: Hier geht's zur Jugger-Foren-Diskussion zu Metallsvenskan (interessierte Söldner und Teams).

Vi ses!

Jugger @ Metalcamp

Foto: Xenia (Metal Festival Slovenia)


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Peter on :

*Sounds great! Love the photo :-D

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