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International Jugger rulebooks: Jugger Archive I

International Jugger Rulebooks

This is a collection of international Jugger rulebooks, including historical versions, where available. Countries in order of the fact-based knowledge of introduction of Jugger to them, where applicable, otherwise of their first rulebook's appearance.

If you know other national Jugger rulebooks, you are most welcome to drop us a note!

International Jugger Rulebooks

♦ Note: Downloads are hosted by for traffic reasons.  

α Creation: Blood of Heroes Movie

1989 ►  (preparing documents) % Screenwriting
1989 ►  (preparing documents) % Storyboard
1989 ►  Video % Film analysis

Deutschland – Germany (α ca 1993)

1997 ► PDF % Das Schädelspiel
1998- ► Repository English | Spanish  German Jugger rulebooks dating back to 1998, with lists of changes
2021 PDF

Audiobook – Hörbuch (YT)
Hörbuch (mp3, Dropbox)

Deutsches Regelwerk
2023 PDF

Lesefassung im genderneutralen Standardgenus

Deutsches Regelwerk

Derived documents

2021 ► PDF % Offizielle Regelwerks-FAQ
2012 ► PDF % Jugger-Regelwerk: Uhus Kommentar (Uhu`s commentary)
2007 ► PDF % Änderungstabelle 2007-2012 (Rules changelog)
2016 ► PDF Spanish Leitfaden für Schiedsrichter (Referee`s guide)
2018 ► PDF % Deutsche Ligastatuten (League statutes)
2011 ► PDF % Jugger-Fanzine (some Discussions)
2018 ► PDF % Jugger-Liederbuch (songbook)


Australia (α 2000)

2000 ► PDF % Gavin's notes on Jugger rules
2002 ► PDF % Australian Jugger rulebook
2007 ► PDF % The Rules of Jugging
2017 ► PDF % The Rules of Jugging
2019 ► PDF % AJL Rulebook
2020 ► PDF % AJL Rulebook ver. 2020

Derived documents

2015 ► PDF % Spar Specifications


Eire – Ireland (α 2006)

2011 ► PDF % Irish provisional rulebook
2014 ► PDF % Irish provisional rulebook, 2014
2018 ► PDF German I Spanish Irish rulebook


España – Spain (α 2007)

2010 ► PDF % Jugger: Reglamento en Español, Dado de Dragón
2012 ► PDF % Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 1
2012 ► PDF % Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 2
2013/14 ► PDF % Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 3.2
2018   English Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 4.2
2019 ► PDF % Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 4.3
2019 ► PDF English Jugger: Reglamento Español v. 5

Derived documents

2018 ► PDF % Normativa Arbitral (Referee's guide)


Costa Rica (α 2008)

2008 ► PDF English | German Reglamento de Jugger Costa Rica 1.0


USA (α 2003?/2010)

2003 ► PDF % The Rules of Jugging. Amtgard
2009 ► PDF % The Rules of Jugger. Daghorhir
2010 ► PDF % USJL handbook, rev. 2
2015 ► PDF % Colorado Jugger League
2019-2020 ► PDF % The Jugger Arizona Rulebook


Colombia (α 2011)

2011 ► PDF English Reglamento Jugger v1.1. Speculum
2018 ► PDF English Jugger Reglamento Alemán
2020 ► PDF   Reglamento 2020 & Modelo de Arbitraje


Sverige – Sweden (α 2012)

2014 ► PDF % Juggerregler: Översikt. Svenska juggerförbundet
2016-2019 ► PDF English Juggerregelverk v. 1   Svenska juggerförbundet
2021 ► PDF % Juggerregelverk v. 2   Svenska juggerförbundet
2022 ► PDF English Juggerregelverk v. 2.1   Svenska juggerförbundet
2014 ► PDF English Svenska regelverket v. 2.2  Svenska juggerförbundet

Derived documents

2018 ► PDF % Utbildning: Ledare Domare
2018 ► PDF % Utbildning: Byggmästare


Argentina (α 2016?)

2016 ► PDF % Reglamento de Jugger


Росси́я – Russia (α 2016)

2018 ► PDF % ДЖАГГЕР
2019 ► PDF % ДЖАГГЕР

Derived documents

2019 ► PDF % ДЖАГГЕР - Рекомендации по созданию игрового снаряжения


Jugger Alliance of the Americas (α 2016?)

2017 ► PDF % Jugger Rulebook v. 1.1


Česko – Czechia (α 2017?)

2017 ► PDF % Česká Juggerová Pravidla


New Zealand (α 2019)

2019 ► PDF % Jugger Rulebook, v. 1


Italia – Italy (α 2019)

2019 ► PDF % Jugger Regolamento Italiano


Polska – Poland (α ? / 2023)

2023 ► PDF English version księga zasad


International Jugger Rulebooks

Jugger rules, by Arturo Pérez, Spanish Jugger Federation

Jugger ruleset development. By Maximilian. Click on the image to download an interactive PDF.

Spanish video on rulebook differences, English subs.

All documents are made available solely for archive reasons, as they are publicly available and their content is left unchanged from their source files. The International Jugger Blog and it's administrators don't claim, take or imply, unless otherwise stated in the document in question, any merit, credit or copyright for any of these documents, nor do they automatically agree to any opinions expressed in the documents  (Nein. Doch! Rrroooh.). Get a life, lawyers.


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