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Articles / reports for the Fanzine / 3rd German Open welcome!

After the first Fanzine (a fan-made, noncommercial magazine) on Jugger has just arrived here from the printers and just looks awesome (I mean the print quality, the content is up to you to judge) I decided that there has to be a second issue at the 3rd German Open next year!

I would like to invite you to write an article about Jugger, or aspects of Jugger, or a great tournament in your country, or on your way of playing, Pompfen making, whatever! Just grab the pens!

As for the length, it should be less than 3,000 characters, something like 1,000 would be perfect – yet more or less will not be a problem. Also, I would love to include pictures to your article (even if it may be just one).

If you could write a short synopsis in English (just some sentences), the rest of the article may well be written in your own language!

So, I would love to get your articles, the sooner the better. Just send them to me, and if you don't have my mail adress, look up the user Ein Uhu at and contcat him ;-)

Jugger - Fanzine, verpackt und gesiegelt


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