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Jugger Cards for training

Jugger CardsThere are Jugger cards for team training available for free on the  "Graphics Resources" page now! It's just a quick first sketch, but it does it's job. Watch the YouTube video about how we use them at our training. 

You are welcome to leave your suggestions and some lines about your own training card system in the comments.

Note: The link in the picture leads to the instructional YouTube video.

Mediziner-Gruppe auf Turnieren / Medics on Tournaments: Ordo physicorum

Nachdem Sanis auf Turnieren nur das Nötigste tun (müssen), es aber mit Zerrungen, Muskelkrämpfen oder auch einfach Unsicherheit bei Beschwerden durchaus darüber hinaus Bedarf gibt, würde ich gerne mal nachhören, wer von Euch mit medizinischem Hintergrund dabei wäre, sich als solcher auf Turnieren zu erkennen zu geben -- mittels (schicker Name muss sein, ist ja klar) des Ordo physicorum. Nach dem Motto: "Ich bin in bestimmten medizinischen Bereichen kompetent, Ihr könnt mich gern fragen, wenn Ihr entsprechende Beschwerden habt". 

In English: Currently, I am working on founding a nation-wide "tournament medics" group. Folks who are competent in different areas of health may "advertise" that through membership, at tournaments and so be visible as advisers if players are in need (from sprung ankles to muscular pain and such). They are no replacement for standard paramedics!
Could be interesting on an international level as well. I think YouTube does do automatic translations for subs (well does it?).

⇒ YouTube: Vorstellungsvideo

Text im  Forum mit Charta

ordo physicorum [jugger]

German Jugger Association forming: Membership, Organizational Chart

Deutscher Juggersport-Verband

In their latest newsletter, the Deutscher Juggersport-Verband DJSV (working title; German Sports Jugger Association) "launch group" has published more detailed information on the association's goals and the different models to become a member, both as a real person as as a club.
Note that all this is a draft and a suggestion for the founding meeting done by the group, which still has to take place in the nearer future.

Download the PDF via Dropbox with more details plus an organizational chart.

Jugger-Visitenkarten für den Druck (Download)

This is about German templates for Jugger cards.

Jugger-Visitenkarten VorlageLeute gucken Euch interessiert beim Training zu? Ihr erzählt Freunden von Jugger, sie vergessen aber zu schnell, was das nochmal gewesen ist?

Um Interessierten etwas in die Hand drücken zu können, mit dem sie sich schnell und einfach über Jugger informieren können, habe ich 4-seitige Visitenkarten gemacht: Sie lassen sich einfach einstecken, verknicken nicht so leicht und nehmen keinen Platz weg. Trotzdem bieten sie viel Information.
Die vorliegenden Versionen habe ich für die Jugger-Gemeinschaft angepasst. 


Variante a. QR-Code zu dem 5-Minuten-Regelerklärvideo
Variante b. Blanco zum einkleben/schreiben Eurer eigenen Trainingszeiten, Webadresse usw.
Beide Varianten bieten auf der Rückseite unten ein aufgehelltes Feld für Eure Kontaktdaten.

[Download (ZIP-Archiv mit 2 druckfähigen PDFs)]

Continue reading "Jugger-Visitenkarten für den Druck (Download)"

International Jugger Council - some Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, dear juggers!

My name is Arturo Pérez Amores and I work as Commissioner of Communications for the Spanish Jugger Federation. You may remember my post at Jugger Worldwide on the creation of an online debate assembly by gathering up to three representatives from each 'jugging country' and then discussing common issues and goals until we reached agreements and resolutions. The comments at Facebook showed there was support, but also that some of the proposals were not very clear. Nevertheless, we saw no impossible obstacles and decided to ask every country if they would join, and this was the result:

  • Interested: Spain, France, England, Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay. Total: 23 countries.
  • Didn't feel ready to join yet: Argentina, Italy. Total: 2 countries.
  • Never answered: Ireland, Germany, Belgium. Total: 3 countries.
  • Other countries (Peru, China, Denmark, Israel, Poland) are starting to build their first jugger teams, so it was considered it was too early to have them join yet.

During this process, several important questions were repeated by many different organizations, so my colleagues (Miguel Alvarado [USA] and Rickhard Nilsén [Sweden]) and I decided it was best to post out our official answers to these FAQ at this blog (there's a Spanish version at the FEJ's Bitácora). We hope they'll help everyone understand what we're trying to build and pave the way for the creation of the International Jugger Council, as we'll be sending out the invitations to the interested jugger groups in the next few days.

... Read more: Continue reading "International Jugger Council - some Frequently Asked Questions"

Show your Achievements: Jugger merit roundels

Jugger merit roundels So you are very fond of Jugger and put time and love into this wonderful sport. You spread the fascination to others, educate them how to play or how to make good spars. Or you struggle organizing that one big tournament every year that the community loves to attend. Yet, what about motivating your team mates to get a bit more involved in the organizational hassle of Jugger themselves, by making their engagement a bit more visible, so that their work may be appreciated by others? To achieve this, I thought about creating these Jugger merit roundel. They offer a way to show the merits you earn during your Jugger life with an »evolving« emblem, without having to change the roundel itself. So you can print the basic roundel on your jersey in your first year and than just add all that which you achieve over time. [Download the PDF with all the definitions here.] [Download hi-res PNG elements here.]

Player position symbolsNote: There is also an extensive set of free individual player position symbols available. Check out [the individual player position symbols in this article]. Continue reading "Show your Achievements: Jugger merit roundels"

Women and Jugger

In the words of Maka: "We gathered some testimonies of female players of Jugger, regarding their experience as women in the sport. This is what they had to say." This is not only a brilliant video, it also fits perfectly: I am currently planning an Uhus Jugger Tutorials about training aspects in regard of teh specific needs of women. If you have any expertise on that, you are welcome to share your knowledge for the UJT.

Poster for trainings of the Swedish Jugger Project

I have prepared a poster for Projekt: Jugger i Sverige which offers an overview over some basic training techniques. It also fits well to my Uhus Jugger Tutorials IIX: Training techniques YouTube video.
The draft version, available here, is in English, while the final will be in Swedish and available at the Swedish Jugger Association Svenska juggerförbundet.

Download the PDF version here.

Jugger training poster