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¡Feliz año nuevo! Frohes Neues! Happy New Year!

2011 passed like a flash. Yet many things have happened that I would call remarkable in the Jugger world:

Item. Development in Spain.

The Spanish community is growing even stronger. Spain held an International Tournament. Galicia has posted a nice intoduction on its Association on Jugger at the IJB, showing the high spirits for the sport.
Also there had been an unpleasant, yet important discussion on a spanish team that had symbols and names associated with the fascist movement Falange, leading to a declaration at the IJB and at other places against such ideologies.

Item. Development in the U.S.
U.S. Jugger developed further to a stable sport Jugger community, also it might be the country with the most different ways of (current) Jugger styles.

Item. Development in Germany.

The re-formed Jugger League has made its second year now.

For the first time, the German Championships have not been held in Berlin, but in Waidhaus, Bavaria.

The Ostdeutsche Winterliga has started (East German Winter League games). For a detailed description, see Jugglers Jugg.

The Jugger e. V. Berlin has now its own official training grounds at the former Tempelhof Airport airfield.

Item. Miscellaneous Jugger stuff in Germany.

The Jugger-Wiki has been set up by Nalf and Uhu and is expanding as a good resource on the sport (only in German yet, sorry). Editors welcome.

Inspired by Munchkin(r), Falco jugger player Leo initiated an own card game called "Pompfkin". Get it for free at the web page of team Falco jugger.

The (up to my knowledge) first printed issue of a fanzine has been published and released at the 14th German Championships. It is still ready for download.

A patch was made by Falco jugger for those teams who expressively do not want to play in a highly structuralized Leauge but have sportive ambitions nevertheless, "Jugger libres".

Item. Uhus stuff.

The team I founded in January 2007 has had a very successful year, in all tournaments except Hamburg we got ranks 2-4. And even in Hamburg, we were part of the top one-third. The falcon is flying high!

Last, the first factbook on Jugger has been "freed", thus becoming a free-to-download ebook/PDF in English at uhusnest.


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