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Show your Achievements: Jugger merit roundels

Jugger merit roundels So you are very fond of Jugger and put time and love into this wonderful sport. You spread the fascination to others, educate them how to play or how to make good spars. Or you struggle organizing that one big tournament every year that the community loves to attend. Yet, what about motivating your team mates to get a bit more involved in the organizational hassle of Jugger themselves, by making their engagement a bit more visible, so that their work may be appreciated by others? To achieve this, I thought about creating these Jugger merit roundel. They offer a way to show the merits you earn during your Jugger life with an »evolving« emblem, without having to change the roundel itself. So you can print the basic roundel on your jersey in your first year and than just add all that which you achieve over time. [Download the PDF with all the definitions here.] [Download hi-res PNG elements here.]

Player position symbolsNote: There is also an extensive set of free individual player position symbols available. Check out [the individual player position symbols in this article].

Status symbol or good example

Of course, there are concerns that this might appear as a deflecting »status symbol«. Yet this should be more of a question of the bearer's character. Considering the open-mindedness of the Jugger community (as I experienced it), the risk should be minimal. Take black belts in martial arts, for example: They might be seen as »unreachable Senseis« (which almost none of them are), or as a source of information and help, which they should be. Also, I felt it thrilling to work towards my first Fuel Drop, equalling 100 rescues, as a Fuel Rat (see below) and for me to have this this goal in mind added much nice flavour.

How to apply roundels

There are many ways to apply the roundel to a jersey or hoodie An easy way is to use so-called »Flock«-printing. There, you just iron-on the cut out roundel on the fabric, and can later add any tokens in the same way. An example are the Player Position Jugger Patches I did earlier in this blog. The Roundel and a Rat's best friend I hope you like this approach (and the design). The idea is inspired by the Merit Roundels for the Fuel Rats player group of the Elite: Dangerous game, done by Father Cool, which also exist as PVC badges to stitch on.


Meaning of the symbols

Jugger merit roundels: meaning

Jugger merit roundels: meaning


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